Colorado Springs is the birthplace of my love of life. I grew up in NJ, went to college in PA, and had traveled once to Disney World. The day we finished sophomore year of college, my friends and I drove 26 hours straight out to the Springs. It was the first I saw of how awesome life could be. We almost immediately hiked Mount Vigil, and then had a huge camping overnight party in Frosty's Park. This was 12 years ago, and last year I managed to make my way back to the Springs, which for now I call home. We had visited friends who went to CC, and they suggested I find the Pikes Peak Atlas at the downtown Mountain Chalet on Tejon, which I did. In my quest to hike all the hikes on the Atlas, I decided it might be helpful to others and a good way to document for myself if I created this blog and broke down all the hikes on the Atlas.
I will still organize by the numbers on the Atlas, but each number contains a number of hikes sometimes without much detail, so I will break it down.